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    Friday, November 16, 2007

    Get Your Head Right

    Is trading difficult? This question has more weight than one thinks. From my personal experience I have seen the Internet plastered with "HOT ENTRY TIPS". Really folks, do the hot entry tips make you a better trader? Check out the web and web forums and it is blanketed with how to enter a trade. Hey great I'm in... Now what?

    Well I've been thinking about this today and here are some of my thoughts on this. It is pure hog wash. Think about it. I could take 100 traders and give them all the same entries and I bet you would have 90 different results. Why is this? Well, the reason is everyone views the markets differently. So our state of mind has an enormous impact on every trade we make. Emotions are part of life and in trading emotions often get the best of us. So how do we get our heads right? This is what I feel is the key to successful trading. We get our minds right by following our thought out plan and executing it. We do the best we can when our plan is not working right and our position is going the wrong way. We make our own decisions and do not ask for approval from anyone. We use caution when surfing chat rooms. We identify our risk parameters before we ever enter any trade.

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