It took me a while to learn this but I think it is worth mentioning. Being humble with your trades I feel goes a long way. It took me a while to learn this. I would be up a few dollars in a stock and think I was the man. I would brag about it and think I was bulletproof. I could not figure why every time I ran my mouth my positions would get slammed. It was like a force was telling me to shut up and keep my mouth shut. Well after blowing out my account I learned what I feel is a very valuable lesson.
Are you ready for the secret? Here it is. Just simply keep your mouth shut when your position is moving in your direction. Being HUMBLE is something I think many people miss when trading. They got to run out and tell everyone how great they are and before you know it they are missing in action. It reminds me of the old soldiers, they never die they just fade away. Folks what you get from the market does not need to be known to the world.
If you don't believe me try it and see for yourself. It might be something that changes your trading results 180 degrees...
Nice blog...
Came here trough FF site...
It's on my bookmarks already,
Keep it going
Zaka, thank you for your kind words.
Best Trading!
That explains why I blew up my account the first time and maybe the second. But after being humbled by the market, and trading in complete silence, how could it have happened again?
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