Well I ask you "what is the truth?" I've not been posting on my blog as I was just waiting for the shoe to drop. Well it dropped, in a big way! So in the mist of madness where does the truth lie? I think the storm is gathering steam. Our problems run deeper then who gets voted into office in a few months. In fact who in their right mind would want to run for President during these tough times? We as humans have for the most part gotten spoiled rotten to the core, and bloated with entitlement. This will have negative consequences for generations to come, should we as humans make it that long. We don't learn until it is too late.
Here is my perspective of the truth. Take what is said by the fed and his friends and just invert it... Paulson was tooting his horn a few weeks ago at how stable the financial market was... I guess this is the reason for injecting 70B of money into the market.
Now I'm also thinking wall street thinks the FED may lower rates. This will be great for oil and gold. The FED must be happy with the strong recovery of the USD? Wow, this is getting real now.
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