I think this bail out is a fraud. We are not going to resolve the issues by throwing cash in the fire. In fact the more the gov. gets involved the longer and deeper we shall slide. Americans do not trust Wall Street and they need to speak up. We stand a very good chance of having a complete collapse of the entire house of cards. Does this frighten you? Well it should. Look at the debt this country has, even an uneducated person like myself can see we cannot repay this back.
We as a country are all aboard the TITANIC and the scary thing is we are steering right for the iceberg. I see it playing out like this. The elite will have access to the lifeboats. The rest of us will be trapped and left to fend for ourselves.
Our Government is directly to blame- The 545 men and women who run this country are to blame. They blame each other for the problems and this must stop. We have 300 million people in this country, but yet only 100 senators, 435 congressmen, the President, and 9 Supreme Court Justices, so I’m pissed at both Democrats and Republicans alike…
What is the solution to the mess? Well, spending is our American problem. Yep, we like to spend. Why would the gov. want to give the people a crumb and think this will stimulate our economy? What a joke! You see folks, the 545 people who run the show are not in touch with reality, they make way too much money to know how hard it is for the common citizen. They don’t know or they have forgotten how hard it is sometimes to make ends meet.
We had kids who were allowed credit and houses they could not afford.
I was taught in the military as a Non-Commissioned Officer that leadership is something that is earned and not given. I learned to lead by example. How can it be possible that Geithner has been elected into a high position, even though he did not pay his TAXES… THIS REALLY PISSES ME OFF…, Not fair folks. You or I would get our heads handed to us for not paying taxes and thought of as a low life. Well, Justice for one is not Justice for all. His failure to pay taxes should have disqualified him. Period.
Our Greed is now repaying us back as a nation. The golden parachutes are gone. CEO’s of big corps thought they were the stuff. Jokers are now sweating it out. This is good and we need the fear to grip this country as a whole and shake the daylights out of us. We need to come to our senses and to bring production jobs back to America. Anytime you kill the train engine you kill the train. We have been limping along for a good while now.
I’ve been shopping at Circuit City for over 15 years. I was impressed with the knowledge of the sales reps and they had incentive to do well. If they sold something they got what use to be called commission. The more they sold the more they earned. Then all of a sudden the GREED mode of corp. America attacked. They took away all incentives. This indeed killed the engine. Ultimately this was the beginning of the end for Circuit City. Folks, this is what has been happening on a macro level around the entire country. I saw it coming for Circuit City 3 years ago. The scary thing is I bet the upper tier of that company did not have a clue. We need to bring back the engine and through incentives reward those who deserve it.
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